
Around the world, many have reported that their first experience of “something more” was triggered by an encounter with beauty, typically in the form of art or music. Several cases of this have been reported to me personally. Beauty often creates in us a sense of longing, a longing for “something even more”. And the search for that “something even more” is what launches us towards a shimenawa connecting us to the realm of the spirit. Here we present a series of essays and commentary on the beauty created by artists around the world that might prove capable of launching you on your own quest for “something more”.


Streets of Miyako¹

Streets of Miyako¹

To appear in Echoes 2020: Writers in Kyoto Anthology #4, which will be available from Amazon Horikawa-dori2 at the grave of Lady...

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Scribbled in Miyako¹

Scribbled in Miyako¹

Published in Echoes 2019: Writers in Kyoto Anthology #3, available from Amazon Short poems written at notable places in Kyoto....

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No big brass bands

No angel choirs

No rainbows arcing

Only God knows where

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Tanuki Tales

Tanuki StatueTanuki-san ofen plays a role similar to the TV detective Columbo – appearing a bit befuddled, showing up in the right place at an inopportune moment, and asking the right ques,ons, although it is never completely clear that he is asking them for the right reasons.

The Argument

The Argument

Tanuki-san woke up and found himself at a party.  The party was being hosted by the ancient Persian magician Zoroaster, who had...

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The Fires

The Fires

Tanuki-san was sleeping soundly when he was rudely shaken awake.  He looked up through sleepy eyes to discover that he was being...

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Who Cares about the Truth?

Who Cares about the Truth?

Tanuki-san woke up to find himself in a classroom.  The very distinguished professor was teaching a course in world religions,...

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